
Diablo 3 new season start guide
Diablo 3 new season start guide

diablo 3 new season start guide

In Reaper of Souls there are ten new difficulty settings: Normal, Hard, Expert, Master and Torment 1 – 6. Gone are the days of laboring through the same tedious content over and over again. 1) The game difficulty settings have been entirely revamped, and for the better. But fear not stalwart hero of Sanctuary, for we’ve taken the liberty of breaking down the most sweeping changes. The recently launched Reaper of Souls expansion has left virtually no pile of diseased corpses unturned, overhauling everything from the experience system, to loot, skills and beyond.Įqual parts exciting and confounding, the new Diablo III will take a bit of getting used to, especially if you’ve been out of the game for a few months or more. Players who have chosen to temporarily self-exile themselves from the world of Sanctuary will be shocked to know that the realms of Hell are now a decidedly different place.

diablo 3 new season start guide diablo 3 new season start guide

Welcome Back! We’ve got a few tips to share with you that will help ease your transition back into D3.

Diablo 3 new season start guide